Tips untuk final xm Mfg Process.
Actually saya tak boleh kasi tips byk2 sgt. kamu bacalah sendiri ok..
Soalan ada 2 Bahagian. Bahagian A & B. Dalam Bhg A, jawap 5 drp 6, dan dalam bahagian B, jawap 2 drp 3.
Calculation milling dan turning = kamu buat exercise soalan contoh dlm buku kalpakjian tu..
Cutting tool and cutting fluid, rolling force, extrusion process and defects, injection molding process and material, 4 types of material properties, dll.
yang lain2 baca lah sendiri ok. selamat berhari raya & selamat menghadapi final xm.
Semoga berjaya.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Salam & good day to all my students.
There are many files uploaded to filelodge. Please go & pick up the files you need. Currently there are 13 files for Applied Mechanics and 10 files for Manufacturing Process. Here's a screen shot.
Posted by
Zulkef Abdul
7:24 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I'm trying to put my pic on my profile. So i need to post it here 1st since I'm following Blogspot advice. Sometimes I use Picasa, but let's use blogspot editor this time. Ok...let's see if I can put it on my profile. I've already copied the link. :)
Posted by
Zulkef Abdul
9:40 PM
Filelodge was down on Friday 6/10/2006 last week. But now it's ok. I'll update a few more files soon. Mostly for BMFS 2513, tutorial answer & presentation files.
Posted by
Zulkef Abdul
9:36 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
BMFG 2823 students:
All tutorials solutions Chapter 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 are posted in the File Lodge Account.
1. First you register at
2. Then you find zulkef97, that's me.
3. Go to folder BMFG 2823
4. Download all files from here.
Please use it to prepare for your Test 2 and your Final Exam. Any problem come & see me. Email at zulkeflee(at), change (a) with @.
Posted by
Zulkef Abdul
10:26 PM
To all students Applied Mechanics & Manufacturing Process
Please register NOW with File Lodge at
Then you can access all my files since I make all of them public.
It's good to have an account at File Lodge since you can put all your files while you study here at KUTKM in the server. So in case you need your report you can access it later.
So far I have 7 files for Applied Mechanics & 3 files on Manufacturing Process.
So registr & download all my files to assist you in these courses.
Best rgds
En Zul.
Posted by
Zulkef Abdul
9:50 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
BMFS 2513 students:
Solution for Tutorial Chapter 16.
This is the link to the file 2513/Answer%20for%20Tutorial%20Chapter%2016%20Sheet-Metal%20Forming%20Processes.pdf
atau pergi
Well, I tried to make you an account but seems like it's not possible. Maybe my cookie is preventing me from having dual account. Anyway, just register yourself, it's free. if you have a Yahoo Hotmail account you sure know how to register to filelodge. Any problem email me at zulkeflee(at)
Best Rgds
En Zulkeflee
Posted by
Zulkef Abdul
7:57 PM